The charts below show the results of a questionnaire that asked visitors to the Parkway Hotel how they rated the hotel’s customer service. The same questionnaire was given to 100 guests in the years 2005 and 2010. (189 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The pie charts compare visitors’ responses to a survey about … more →

The first chart below gives information about the money spent by British parents on their children’s sports between 2008 and 2014. The second chart shows the number of children who participated in three sports in Britain over the same time period. (181 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The line graphs show the average … more →

The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years. (187 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015. It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts … more →

The chart below shows the proportions of adults in Canada who own one car, two cars, more than two cars, or who do not own a car. (175 Words, 9 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 7) The pie chart gives information on the division of Canadian adults who own a single car, two cars, more than … more →

The chart below shows the results of a survey of people who visited four types of tourist attraction in Britain in the year 1999. (179 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The pie chart compares figures for visitors to four categories of tourist attraction and to five different theme parks in Britain in 1999. … more →

The diagram below shows the life cycle of a salmon, from egg to adult fish. (151 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The diagram illustrates the stages in the life of the salmon, from birth to maturity. It is clear that there are six* main stages as the salmon develops from egg to mature … more →

The graph below shows changes in global food and oil prices between 2000 and 2011. (208 Words, 10 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The line graph compares the average price of a barrel of oil with the food price index over a period of 11 years. It is clear that average global prices of both … more →

The table below gives information about the problems faced by children in two primary schools in 2005 and 2015. (229 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The table compares two primary schools in terms of the proportions of their pupils who experienced seven different educational problems in the years 2005 and 2015. It is … more →

The charts below show reasons for travel and the main issues for the travelling public in the US in 2009. (198 Words, 9 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The bar chart and pie chart give information about why US residents travelled and what travel problems they experienced in the year 2009. It is clear that … more →

The chart below compares levels of recycling, as well as some less environmentally friendly forms of waste management, in fifteen European countries. (180 Words, 8 Sentences, 4 Paragraphs, Band 9) The bar chart shows the percentage of waste that is recycled, put into landfill or incinerated in various EU countries. If we look at the … more →