IELTS Vocabulary List – 3 for Writing task 1 GT

Useful application writing vocabulary

This section deals with vocabulary and phrases that are particularly useful to write an application. In GT writing task 1, you often need to write an application and the purpose of the application varies. Sometimes it is a simple job application, and sometimes it is a more complex. You will find the following vocabulary list useful for your application writing. Applications are generally formal and can be semi-formal in some special occasions.


Dear Mr/Ms …, (… should be replaced by the surname …)
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sir or Madam,

Reason for writing

I am writing to apply for the post/position of ……. as advertised in the Daily …… on (…date…)
I am writing in connection with your advertisement in the Daily …… on (…date…)
With reference to your advertisement ……

Stating experience/qualification

My qualifications include …
I have two years job experience in the related field…
I have been working for …… for the last five years.
I worked part-time for three years as …… at …….
At the moment I am employed by …… and my job responsibilities include …..
I have experience in ……
I have a post-graduation degree on …….
I have a diploma in ……
I have hands-on experience in ……
I graduated from …… University three months ago and my major was……
I have finished my post-graduation from the …… University and have been awarded …….

Curriculum vitae (CV)

Please find attached my Curriculum Vitae
I am attaching my CV for your kind consideration
The CV and reference letter have been attached


I look forward to hearing from you.
I can further discuss my candidacy for the post in a formal interview.
I am available for an interview at your convenience.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if/should you require further information.
Please contact me anytime for any other information you might require.
I shall be available for interview any day apart from Saturday.

Signing off the letter

Yours sincerely, (if you start the letter with “Dear + Surname”)
Yours faithfully, (if you start your letter with “Dear Sir/Madam/ Sir /Madam”)

Related IELTS Resources

Take a practice test to find out what is your current weakness in terms of IELTS scale and allow more time to improve your weak spots. The following IELTS resources will help you to develop your skills faster:

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