IELTS Listening Exercise 81 – Museum of the History of Science

Difficulty level: Semi Hard

Listen to the recording about museum of the history of science and complete the sentences below, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer:

Museum of the History of Science

  1. The building of the museum of the History of Science was built in …………………
  2. The building originally contained a ……………….. in the basement, and lecture space for ……………….., what we today might call ‘Science’.
  3. The ……………….. on either side of the exit contain the kind of things that we used in this room in …………………
  4. The museum of the History of Science opened in …………………
  5. The museum is particularly famous for its collection of …………………
  6. In the four corners of the entrance gallery, are four of the museum’s important …………………

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