IELTS Listening Test 9 – Section 3


Questions 21-25
Answer the questions below. Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.

21. Why do people experience pain?

  1. It preserves good health condition
  2. It prevents us from damaging ourselves
  3. Continuous pain is useful for humans

22. What parts of our body are responsible for feeling pain?

  1. Receptors and nerves
  2. Some part of our brain
  3. Pain is a complex process, which involves various parts of our body

23. How many people in the UK suffer from pain?

  1. 31%
  2. 37%
  3. 40 million

24. Is chronic pain different from pain we feel when we knock our knee?

  1. No, all kinds of pain have evolved as survival mechanisms
  2. Yes, there is an enormous difference
  3. We don’t have much insight into that

25. Professor John Wood compares pain perception to

  1. Beauty
  2. Continuousness
  3. Anesthesia

Questions 26-28
Choose the correct letters, AB, or C.

26. How do scientists block pain nowadays?

  1. By blocking activity of nerves that send electrical signals
  2. By understanding mechanisms of pain perception and altering them
  3. By threating the central nervous system

27. When do patients experience “phantom limb” pain?

  1. After the operation
  2. While their wounds heal
  3. After the amputation

28. Are peripheral nerves involved in process of feeling pain?

  1. No, pain has nothing to do with peripheral nerves
  2. Yes, peripheral nerves are required to feel pain
  3. Scientists don’t know much about pain perception nowadays

Questions 29 and 30
Complete the information below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

What’s happening in a case of phantom limb?

Pain can create a (29) of itself. The same way listening to music can take you to a certain point in time, some sort of stimulation can cause a (30) to be re-experienced.

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