EVA HESSE Three Pieces Plus The Guggenheim Art Gallery, New York In one corner of the room is a mass of tangled rope suspended from the ceiling with some sections dangling to the floor; the first of three encountered pieces of work that have a resounding impact on the viewing public. It stops one in … more →

Careers with Kiwi Air Flight Attendants – Recruitment and Training Process Recruitment The position of Flight Attendant is one of prestige and immense responsibility. Recruitment is conducted according to operational demands and there can be periods of up to 12 months where no new intake is required. However, applications are always welcomed. After you submit … more →

Border Regulations and Visa Applications If you wish to come to the United Kingdom,either as a visitor or a student,you may need to apply for a visa. Visas vary according to your age,the length of your stay and your level of English study. The following visa types are available: A. Child Student B. Child Visitor … more →

Questions 14-19 Read the enrollment details for Ashwood College on the following page and look at the statements below. In boxes 14-19 on your answer sheet write: TRUE if the statement is true FALSE if the statement is false NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage Example_____________________________________Answer Overseas students may enroll … more →

Student Clubs and Societies Desperate to find friends with common interests? Urgently in need of student contacts around college? Looking for different cultural and religious experiences? Wanting some good discussion? Don’t look any further! Join a Club or Society and Have Fun! A This club was first started by a group of friends who enjoyed … more →

Long-haul Flights Get Longer Long-haul flights have just got longer, with a non-stop flight from Singapore to New York now in operation. But 18 hours in the air creates its own challenges. A lot of preparation goes into the ultra long haul flight. The aircraft is specifically designed for the journey with more space and … more →

Westley Business School Preparation Courses for Students 80% of the students who take our courses are mature students who have not done any formal study for several years. Many of the courses at the Westley Business School require a good knowledge of various skills. If you feel you need some extra preparation before your course, … more →

Australia and the Great War 1914 – 1918 Australia’s role in the First World War, or the Great War as it was known until 1939, is central to the development of modern Australia’s vision of itself in the world. In many ways it has served to create what is in some ways a second founding … more →

Experience Versus Speed Certain mental functions slow down with age, but the brain compensates in ways that can keep seniors as sharp as youngsters. Jake, aged 16, has a terrific relationship with his grandmother Rita, who is 70. They live close by, and they even take a Spanish class together twice a week at a … more →

Robotic Approach To Crop Breeding Jennifer Manyweathers takes a look at a robot that is being used to identify drought-tolerant crop varieties A The Australian sunflower industry is the major source of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in margarine and spreads. Recognized as the type of fatty acid most able to protect against heart disease, it … more →