IELTS Listening Exercise 30 – How to listen to people effectively

Difficulty level: Semi Hard

Listen to the recording and fill the gaps in the summary below:

How to listen to people effectively

  • We can use the word listen to remind ourselves of the key skills of ______ listening.
  • ‘L’ stands for ‘look’. Look at the person as they are speaking to you, and ______ them with good eye contact. ‘I’ stands for ‘inquire’. Use open, ______ questions to show interest in the person and what they are saying. ‘S’ reminds you to ‘______’ your understanding of what the other person is saying.
  • T’ means ‘take notes’, and ‘E’ means ‘encourage’: smile, ______ and use ______ to encourage them to say more. ‘N’ means ‘neutralise your feelings’: stay ______, avoid ______, and think about the content that the person is trying to ______ ______ to you.

Practice IELTS listening exercises more and more to improve your listening skills. On the real test, you will hear the recording only once and listening questions get increasingly difficult.

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