IELTS Scoring System

The IELTS scoring system is very unique composed of 9 bands, measured in consistent manner and is internationally acclaimed and understood. The IELTS score ranges from 1 to 9 for each part of the test. The individual result from these four parts will produce an overall band score. You can calculate your overall band score here > IELTS Score Calculator

Overall IELTS Band Score
Listening Reading
8 6.5
Writing Speaking
7.5 7
Overall: 7.5
  • If your overall IELTS score is an average of 6.25, your score will be increased to 6.5.
  • If your overall IELTS score is an average of 6.75, your score will be increased to 7.
  • If your overall IELTS score is 6.1, your score will go down to 6.
  • Your score is rounded up or down to the nearest 0.5 or whole score as shown above.

Related >> IELTS band score assessment criteria

IELTS band scale stated as follows

What is IELTS score 0?

When anybody has registered for IELTS test but has not taken the test then those candidate may get this IELTS score. This may mean that the test taker has not attempted the test here. No assessable information, related to the test, is provided.

What is IELTS score 1?

If anyone gets this IELTS score then this may point out to the fact that the person is a non-user of the English language. He/ she has no ability to use the language or has the ability to use the language, making use of isolated words only.

What is IELTS score 2?

If the test taker is an intermittent user then he/ she may get this band. The one who gets this IELTS score will possess no real communication usage. They may know only basic information of the language and use only isolated words or short sentences in order to express in front of others. Such people may even have difficulty in understating both spoken and written English.

What is IELTS score 3?

If there is someone who has got this IELTS score in IELTS exam then this will mean that they are extremely limited users of the English language. They are very limited that they find difficulty in expressing themselves. They have basic competence and ability to express or convey what they want to in a limited manner.

What is IELTS score 4?

If anyone who has taken IELTS test and has got this IELTS score in exam then this may mean that he/ she is a limited user. They can make use of the English language only in familiar situations and they have problems frequently in understanding or explaining oneself in situation that are a bit unfamiliar. The one who has got this IELTS score will suggest that he/ she has no command over the language to handle complex situations.

What is IELTS score 5?

If you get this IELTS score five in your IELTS test then this may mean that you have partial command over the language. You have the ability to cope up with certain situations. You may likely make mistakes. You have the ability to handle simpler or basic communication.

What is IELTS score 6?

If you get this IELTS score in your test then it will suggest that you have effective language but with the inclusion of the inaccuracies, or misunderstandings. It may mean that you are a language knower who can use or understand fairly complex language; you are well adept at expressing yourself in familiar situations.

What is IELTS score 7?

If you get this band score in your IELTS test then it may mean that you have got level of language but your level of language is below the one who has got IELTS score eight. This band may suggest that you have command over the language but still you may have difficulty in expressing yourself in complex situations. You may have a detailed reasoning but still there are certain times when you face difficulty in giving a detailed explanation of the topic at hand.

What is IELTS score 8?

If you get this band score in your IELTS test then it may mean that you have good hold over the language but still there are some occasional inaccuracies. This may also suggest that you are a language knower who knows the language but still sometimes face difficulty in understanding the same, generally when you come across unfamiliar situation. You may have the ability to handle even the most complex arguments well.

What is IELTS score 9?

If someone has got this IELTS score then it will mean that they have good command over their language. They are fluent and have got level of English language.  They have complete understanding of the language. They have the ability to handle even the most complex situations.

See >> IELTS Certificate Sample

Related IELTS Resources

Take a practice test to find out what is your current weakness in terms of IELTS scale and allow more time to improve your weak spots. The following IELTS resources will help you to develop your skills faster:

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