Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following recording about right and left-handedness. Right and Left Handedness Your browser doesn’t support audio element. What is the probability of right-handed parents having a left-handed child? A) more than 10%. B) about 2%. C) about 17%. What comparison is made between males and females? A) 50% of … more →

Difficulty level: Easy Listen to the following recording, and fill the gaps in the summary below. Fill the gaps with a maximum of TWO words and/or a number: Lifespans Your browser doesn’t support audio element. For centuries people have been able to improve their lifespans through _____ changes. However, a recent study has found that … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following talk by the writer of a book about job interviews. Fill the gaps below with one word only: Interview Tips Your browser doesn’t support audio element. The question “Why should I hire you?” gives you the opportunity to restate your _____ and summarize your other _____. Your … more →

Difficulty level: Easy Listen again to the “smart fridge” recording that I used in last week’s lesson. This time, see if you can fill the gaps in the transcript. Fill each gap below with one word only. Smart Fridge Your browser doesn’t support audio element. South Korea’s LG Electronics is _____ on its new smart … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following recording, and fill the gaps in the summary below it: Online Translation Tools Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Online translation tools seem to be an ______ ______ to human translators. However, there are many instances of these tools causing unintended ______ and disasters. Currently, translation technology … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the recording and fill each gap in the summary with ONE word only. Bank Account Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Opening or switching a bank account can seem ______, so it’s important to start by thinking about why you need a bank account. You may need it in … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following excerpt from a lecture about anthropologists and archaeologists, and fill the gaps in the summary below: Anthropologists & Archaeologists Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Both anthropologists and archaeologists study the way people live together. Anthropologists study humans’ physical, social and ______ development, and they ______ research … more →

You’ll often see instructions like this in the IELTS listening test: Write one word only for each answer. Write one word and / or a number for each answer. Write no more than two words and / or a number for each answer. Write no more than three words for each answer. 1) The first … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following recording about the problem of melting Arctic ice. Melting Arctic Ice Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Fill each gap in the summary below with ONE WORD AND/ OR A NUMBER. Scientists in Alaska are sounding the ______ about rapidly melting polar ice. The Arctic sea ice … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following recording and answer the multiple choice questions below: Online plagiarism out of control Your browser doesn’t support audio element. 1. Many teachers believe that A) plagiarism is not a big problem B) too many students are guilty of plagiarism C) many students copy each other’s essays 2. … more →