Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following recording which shows a university lecturer (Professor Karen Wigen from Stanford University) talking about a series of classes. Multiple Choice about Maps Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Now try answering A, B or C for the questions below: 1. What subject does Professor Wigen usually teach? … more →

Difficulty level: Easy Listen to the following recording and try the quick gap-fill exercise below it: New Year’s Resolutions Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Fill the gaps in the following summary. The speaker ______ the lives of 5000 people as they attempted to achieve their New Year’s resolutions. 10% of the people were successful, … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following excerpt from a lecture about effective teachers. Effective Teachers Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Choose three characteristics of effective teachers from the list below: A) They use the largest number of exercises B) They know how to choose examples C) They pick the right technique at … more →

The people who do well in the IELTS listening test are those who have a “good ear” for English. In other words, they are able to follow fast speech and distinguish individual words easily. How did they develop a good ear? They listened to a lot of English. If you are trying to improve your … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the recording about microplastics and fill the gaps in the sentences below: Microplastics Your browser doesn’t support audio element. The first problem is that micro-plastics act like a ______, attracting other ______ in the water, such as pesticides and ______ retardants. The second problem is that micro-plastics are complex … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Previously I wrote a post on “How to answer multiple choice questions in IELTS listening“. But the most important tip is this: do lots of practice. Here is a quick exercise. Listen to the following short talk about cave paintings: Cave Paintings Your browser doesn’t support audio element. 1. In which … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following excerpt from a recording of a university professor who is speaking about the importance of learning to write well. Fill the gaps to complete the summary below: Importance of learning to write well Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Teaching people to write is extremely _____ _____. … more →

Difficulty level: Easy Listen to the recording and fill each gap with a maximum of three words. Libraries of the future Your browser doesn’t support audio element. The libraries of the future are still about equitable __________ for our communities and our customers. However, what we do know is that we now have a 10% … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to two students talking about lectures and seminars at university, and fill the gaps in the summaries below.: Note: Don’t worry if you have to listen several times to get the answers. This is an exercise that I made myself, not a real IELTS question. Lectures and Seminars Your browser … more →

Difficulty level: Semi Hard Listen to the following tips about how to write a cover letter when applying for a job. Fill the gaps in the summary using no more than THREE words: Cover letter Your browser doesn’t support audio element. Tip 1 Address the cover letter to a ______ person, generally the person in … more →